Death will not have the victory.

Our church mourns the passing of a friend and leader. Jim Titler stepped into the presence of his Lord on Sunday night. He will be missed by his family, friends and by his Pastor. Jim was a confidant and support to me and my family. He was a biblical example of a husband, father and grandfather loved by those who took care of him, right to the moment of his passing. A friend to all who call Center Hill their home church. He was a humble servant of his Lord. Once again I am reminded that death is no friend to us. Death is the result of sin in this world and it is a picture of how much God hates sin. It is also a reminder to us, that we too should hate death, suffering and sin. We should not welcome it but see it as the enemy that lies at our door. We mourn not for him but for us. We miss him already. We try to console each other. Our real consolation is this, that sin and death do not have the final victory. Where is your sting, death? Where is your victory? It may be for a moment as we mourn our loss but thanks be to God who gives us the ultimate victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. He conquered death on our behalf and it is in this victory that we find our hope. We have a confidence in a God who has bottled up all of our tears. Who keeps an account of our hurts as a compassionate father and is touched by each of them. There is coming a day of reunion and celebration over this sin and death when “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Lord, hasten that day! soli deo gloria